Organic Pest Control while Growing Cannabis Indoors
Recent climate studies indicate a generalized complexity in pests and disease behavior and their adaptability becoming more threatening in multiple farming patterns indoors or outdoors. These challenges still need to identify how the activity of casual organism’s changes in different growing environments. However, the temperature and the humidity are the most critical factors that determine the frequency and extent of damage those factors are easily controlled by GrowDirector’s environmental controller. It’s important to understand how pest infestations and their distribution affects Cannabis growth, especially when growing in a closed environment. Since cannabis growers are interested in a product that is free from the harmful effects of pesticide residues as the majority of them grow cannabis for recreational or medicinal purposes. Here is a summary of the most prevailing pests.
Indoor grow rooms observe two strains of whiteflies: B & Q. The Q strains are a problem for greenhouses or indoor environments for the last 10 years and show more resistance to conventional pest controls than B strains. However, B strains are still a greenhouse pest for more than 30 years. You will find white dots on the undersides of the leaves while they will fly off if disturbed. They suck sap from the undersides of leaves and tender shoot and could spread viral infections as well. Azadirachtin (3%) controls insect pests through disabling metamorphosis processes in soft-bodied insects leaving no harm for humans and the environment.

Indoor grow rooms observe two strains of whiteflies.
Spider Mites
Since Spider mites are tremendously small sap-sucking insect present undersides of the leaves, their infestations sometimes become a nuisance for indoor growers. Their abundance would leave pale specks on the leaves and repeated attempts are required for a dominant control. Monterey Garden Insect Spray contains both Spinosad A & D that are highly effective against many sucking and chewing greenhouse pests. It is an organic product and needs repetition after two weeks. It will also help you controlling leaf miners and caterpillars in a grow room.

Spider mites their infestations sometimes become a nuisance for indoor growers.
Aphids are generally less motile than other grow rooms pests but, still keep on sticking to new growth and undersides of the leaves where they suck sap and secrete honeydew that invites molds and ants. They are less prevalent in a grow room but, reproduce speedily if present.
Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap contains 1% Potassium salts of fatty acids that come under organic listing and equally effective against soft-bodied insects, leafhoppers, and caterpillars.

Aphids are generally less motile than other grow rooms pests.
Fungus Gnats
If fungus gnats become abundant in a greenhouse, their larvae could cause damage to the roots but, they could infest an indoor grow room that uses soil as a growing medium. Only high humidity is a favoring factor whereas pesticide application is helpful as a soil drench. Safer Brand EndALL is a combination of Potassium Salts of Fatty acid, Neem Oil, and Pyrethrins that controls a variety of indoor insect pests indoor and is a certified organic product. It is sprayed directly on the foliage, otherwise, you may use Azatin XL as a soil drench.

fungus gnats become abundant in a greenhouse, their larvae could cause damage to the roots.