Home Fruits Best indoor grow system for your plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables

Best indoor grow system for your plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables

Growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, or even herbs are challenging if you want it indoors. If there’s no space outside your garden, buying an indoor grow system will make your gardening dreams come true. For this reason, read more to know our recommended indoor grow systems.

Gone are the days when we only grew plants in our yard. We can grow plants, flowers, and vegetables through hydroponics or inside our house, thanks to innovation. This technology is called an indoor growing system that is easy to use and set up while producing excellent results.

However, indoor gardening requires shelling a bit of money since it requires tools for growing and making the plants healthy all year round. Though, on the brighter side, it requires you to spend less effort growing them.

If you’re willing to spend money for your future indoor garden, scroll further to know the best indoor grow systems. Whether you’re looking for an automated growing system to grow your plants on a tabletop or grow lots of plants, our list will provide you with many choices.

Why You Should Already Start With an Indoor Grow System

Indoor gardening is as easy as outside gardening. It’s growing your plants in any indoor setup, such as at your home or anywhere within a building. It is helpful, particularly if you don’t have a space outside to grow your plants.

It is catered to all people who love gardening since plucking your fresh produce is within your reach. You already don’t need to go to a supermarket if you’re running out of lettuce, beans, or tomatoes. In short, it’s easy to monitor your plants with this method.

Aside from this, there’s no risk of losing all the nutrients from your plants with indoor gardening. You can plant tomatoes, fresh herbs, cantaloupe, and other herbs, fruits, and vegetables.

The only factor to growing them successfully is adequate lighting and a CO2 controller grow room. After all, plants thrive in a well-regulated environment, lighting and carbon dioxide levels.

Advantages and Disadvantages of An Indoor Grow System

One advantage of having indoor gardening is growing plants throughout the year. If you prefer a longer duration in gardening, then having an indoor grow system is the optimal way to seize the growing journey of your plants.

Added to this, you’ll be enjoying more nutrients and flavor with an indoor grow system. It is also easy to use while expecting guaranteed success in the growth of your plants.

On the other hand, an indoor grow system is undoubtedly costly when getting started. Many of these do not sell for a low price. Hence, it’s essential to think of buying it as a long-term investment.

Finally, you should provide space if you plan to have an excellent yield and a large garden. There’s also the added cost to electricity bills since these plants require light to thrive.

Our List of Best Indoor Grow Systems

Now that we’ve covered all about the indoor grow system let’s head to the different products. Each has its unique features to find out the best for you.


First, we head on to our most recommended indoor growing system in the market. GrowDirector is an automated growing system that assists you in monitoring and controlling the climate of your grow room through a smartphone application or your desktop or tablet.

With over eight sensors in the device, you are in charge of the environmental controls such as climate, moisture, pH levels, CO2 levels, and other parameters. If you want to program or tweak the climate system, simply connect it to an environmental controller. This method will ensure that your plants receive the best climate they need to thrive.

Best indoor grow system for your plants

GrowDirector – solution for smart garden

Since it is an automated system, you can receive notifications from the device you downloaded the application from. This means, when problems arise in your grow room, you’ll immediately get notified.

Also, it allows control to users through an application and the browser. Connect GrowDirector to the internet, and your device will act as a remote control to your indoor gardening.

Furthermore, these are the other features of GrowDirector for indoor gardening.

– Suitable for any Indoor Gardening

GrowDirector is suitable for any level of home-growing, from the windowsill, flowerpot, or ample growing space.

The system will guide you from the first seeding stages to the harvesting phase to ensure results. In short, it does not only allow control for users but suggests recommended environments and lighting for your plants.

GrowDirector is also a fully automated hydroponic system to grow your plants in this method if you’re into hydroponics. GrowDirector’s device is compatible with the sensors needed for hydroponic growing. You only need to provide the required liquid from hydroponics, and GrowDirector will do the rest.

It can also guide you to make homemade lettuce or cherry tomatoes for your urban gardening. And if you wish to take your plant-growing into the next level, you can use GrowDirector as a greenhouse environment controller.

– It has an Irrigation Device

Plants thrive in well-nourished soil. This means if you want an indoor garden, build an irrigation system. Fortunately, GroDirector has preset programs to create an irrigation system for the plants in your grow room.

These programs follow a specific schedule depending on the plants you have. They also set a schedule for irrigation for the entire garden.

– It Features a Preventive Maintenance

The monitoring system of GrowDirector helps you detect potential damage and threats that could happen to your indoor garden.

The system monitors any anomaly and sends a notification to the application or browser in real-time. This system provides you with information about your plants’ condition and recommends ways to keep them alive.

– Provides appropriate lighting

Plants do not just thrive in nourished soil or a well-regulated environment. It thrives mainly in proper lighting. GrowDirector lighting device has four universal outlets that provide lighting needed for your plants to grow.

AeroGarden Harvest

Anyone knows that AeroGarden Harvest is the most well-known indoor hydroponic farming in the market. Hence, it’s absurd if it’s included in our list of one of the best indoor growing systems.


With the AeroGarden Harvest system, you have several options to choose to grow your garden – from placing plants on a countertop to making an urban indoor garden.

Moreover, AeroGarden’s units are small and compact as you can place them on top of a kitchen table or a countertop. Also, you can choose a seed kit to get started. The models have different colors, from black and sage to white, giving your garden an aesthetic look.

AeroGarden retails at $89.98 on their site and goes on sale if you’re lucky to get one.

Lettuce Grow Farmstand

Lettuce Grow Farmstand is an innovative gardening system that does all the work for your indoor garden. It has an irrigation and fertilizing system with a wide range of customizable choices. In short, you can use this system both outdoors and indoors.

Lettuce Grow Farmstand includes Glow Rings lights to provide ample lighting to the plants when you use them indoors. It also offers different sizes that can hold between 12 and 36 plants. You can also buy seedlings individually or as a bundle.

Moreover, Farmstand is eco-friendly. You only need to add a few scoops of fertilizer and adjust the water once a week. Also, it uses 95% less water than other types of gardening. Like GrowDirector, it has an integrated mobile application to know how and when to harvest.

Because of the features it provides, it starts at $348 for a capacity of 12 pots. If you want more pots, you’ll have to pay more. The optional ring lights retail at around $200 and $50 if you purchase another ring. Finally, if you want to buy sprouted seedlings, they also sell them for $2 each.

Luna’s Elegant Home Plant Hydroponic Unit

When it comes to a budget indoor growing system, Luna’s Elegant Home is the way to go. It’s perfect if you want to produce a large garden inside your home through hydroponics.

The system unit includes a planting sponge and four PVC pipe layers with 56 plants. It also has a timer planting baskets, water pump, and hose. However, you need to provide a water tank on your own as this product does not sell one.

There’s also no additional light in the package. Hence, you need to purchase different grow lights, especially useful for hydroponics.

Véritable Smart Garden

Véritable Smart Garden is the perfect indoor growing system for a small garden. The product includes two adjustable LED lights and a 68 fluid-ounce reservoir to hold the water for the plants for a month—the reservoir measures 13 x & x 15 inches that can fit four pots.


Véritable is a simple indoor gardening system that helps your plants grow until they are ready to harvest. What’s also great about this system is you’ll receive different herbs, lettuce pods, and edible flower capsules from the kit. Hence, this is great to use for beginner indoor gardeners.

Tower Garden FLEX Growing System

Next on the list is Tower Garden FLEX Growing System suitable for aeroponics gardening systems. It has a submersible and low-wattage pump to supply nutrient solutions through the pipes. This solution then drips down the inside of the device to be equally distributed to the plant roots.

When planning to buy a Tower Garden FLEX Growing System, note that it has an included seed starting kit with germination tray, starter seeds, net pots, and Rockwool cubes. However, it does not include LED lights to provide sunlight to the plants.

OPCOM Farm Tabletop Hydroponic Grow Box

If you’re interested in Hydronics and small gardening, we recommend using OPCOM Farm Tabletop. It has a maximum capacity of 50 plants and can accommodate plants to grow up to 3 feet.

When purchasing this product, expect to have two seedling trays, 12 sprout sponges, three starter trays, fertilizer packets, pre-seeded trips, and pH adjusters to grow your plants successfully.

It also has adjustable LED lights to cater to any type of plants of your choice to grow in your indoor garden. The lights are also automated, as they can simulate day and night for your plants.

Miracle-Gro Twelve Indoor Growing System

If your apartment or your house has a small space left for indoor gardening, Miracle-Gro Twelve is perfect for you. This system doubles as an extra storage area or an end table.


Also, it is automated where you can monitor the health of your plants and adjust the settings through the application. Download the application and connect it to Bluetooth.

Furthermore, the kit stands 28 inches tall with a 16.5 x 16.5 inches base. It also includes a two-gallon capacity reservoir. After every harvest, you can replace the harvested plant with new seeds if you wish to. In this way, you can grow your plant four times.

Rise Single Family Hydroponic Garden

Another automated hydroponic system in our list, Rise Single Family Hydroponic Garden, is a stylish garden perfect for your living space. This system is only for hydroponics growing since it has no soil pods.

The kit comes with a 5-gallon water tank or reservoir and LED grow lights which can be monitored through a mobile application. It also has sensors to detect water levels, nutrient levels, and light settings that report to the mobile app to monitor your plants’ status.

The Rise Single Family has a capacity of 12 plants, but you can add additional pots or shoots for your herbs, flowers, or other produce.

This system sets it apart from others because of the aesthetic design with heavy steel and robust wood design that makes it look like modern furniture. Since it can only hold small pots, it can be placed against a wall or near your bookshelf.


Another fully automated hydroponic system, Gardyn is best suited for small spaces, similar to Rise Single Family and Miracle-Gro Twelve Indoor Growing System. Gardyn can house up to 20 plants, but it only takes up the space of up to 2 square feet.


The garden has a tank and pump, which hydrates the plants and circulates the water via a timer. LED lights are also set with a timer to provide sufficient light to plants when it needs to.

Also, the system has a self-monitoring sensor and actual cameras. In this way, you don’t want to bother checking the plants now and then since Gardyn does all the work for you. You only need to supply the tank with water every month.

Despite the compact size of Gardyn, it carries a hefty price of $899. However, the price is worth it because of its efficiency in making the plants healthy.


There you have it – we have listed the best indoor grow system in the market. If you want the most exclusive features you can get from an automated grow system; we highly recommend GrowDirector as it covers everything – indoor gardening, hydroponics, large urban gardening, and greenhouse gardening.

However, it will be your choice what product you want to buy for your indoor gardening. After all, it will depend on your needs and your budget to select the best indoor grow system for your space.

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