Home Instalation How to

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Your GrowDirector system comes with comprehensive instructions and online resources to guide you through setup. Follow these simple steps to optimize your growing environment

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Step 1: Install

Choose the right location for each module:

Connect sensors:
EC and pH sensors
DWC Automation System at Its Best
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Near your fertigation room or water reservoir.

Ensure 5mm outer diameter pipes are available for dosing pumps, with a maximum distance of 9 feet (2.7 meters) to fertigation tanks.

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Modules are not water-resistant. Use protective covers for added safety. Ensure compatibility with your electrical system (220V or 110V).

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Mount each module using the included metal bracket and power supply.


Step 2: Connect the App

Download the GrowDirector app

  • Use the button on the back of each module to connect to the app.
  • Create an account and log in.
  • Enable notifications for alerts.
  • Ensure a stable 2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection for your greenhouse.
video tutorial on connecting modules Connect modules one by one

Step 3: Connect and Calibrate sensors

Connect sensors first, then power the module (HydroDirector or SensorDirector)

Locate Sensors


EC and pH sensors can be placed in the reservoir or manifold. Ensure the water level is at least 1 inch (3 cm) above the sensors. These sensors are waterproof.


Place humidity, temperature, and VPD sensors in desired locations (not waterproof). Calibrate soil moisture sensors

Connect sensors:


EC and pH sensors can be placed in the reservoir or manifold. Ensure the water level is at least 1 inch (3 cm) above the sensors. These sensors are waterproof.


EC and pH sensors can be placed in the reservoir or manifold. Ensure the water level is at least 1 inch (3 cm) above the sensors. These sensors are waterproof.

Calibrate sensors:


EC and pH sensors can be placed in the reservoir or manifold. Ensure the water level is at least 1 inch (3 cm) above the sensors. These sensors are waterproof.


EC and pH sensors can be placed in the reservoir or manifold. Ensure the water level is at least 1 inch (3 cm) above the sensors. These sensors are waterproof.


Step 4: Set Rules

Set up rules (triggers, schedules) for each device.

Decide which devices you want to automate and connect them to the appropriate module.

Watch Installation Tutorials

Step 5: First Operation

Test before launch

Electrical Modules
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Manually operate each dosing pump, ensuring liquid flows through the ‘out’ pipe. Set triggers and switch to automatic mode.

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