Home Cases DWC Double up production in DWC hydroponics farm? Know How!

Double up production in DWC hydroponics farm? Know How!

Project Information

A commercial DWC hydroponics farm in New Jersey, featuring a closed polycarbonate greenhouse with leafy greens growing in large pools.

Client’s Problem

Grow Director’s Solution & Result

Kosher Farm Testimonial

Just wanted to share some feedback that really impressed our team. We know greenhouse automation and precision agriculture can optimize many things, but we were shocked that the client saw his harvest double in just one month.

What is DWC Hydroponics? Deep water culture (DWC) hydroponics is a soilless growing method where plant roots are suspended in a nutrient-rich, oxygenated water solution. This method, also known as deep water culture hydroponics or a DWC hydroponic system, allows for rapid nutrient uptake and accelerated growth. It's a popular technique for cultivating leafy greens and other fast-growing crops because of its efficiency and yield potential. DWC hydroponics requires precise management of environmental factors and nutrient levels for optimal results.

The farm struggled with inconsistent environmental conditions due to manual control. This resulted in fluctuating yields and increased labor costs.

With the GrowDirector system in place, the farm achieved stable environmental parameters, leading to consistent, high-quality yields. Automation significantly reduced labor requirements, freeing up the grower to focus on other aspects of the business.

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